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Air Conditioning

Here at Stream HVAC we realize how important it is to keep your home cool and comfortable during the New York summer months. Our salesman are trained so that they can tailor your A/C install for optimum efficiency and so it fits your budget. Call us today for an estimate. 

 A/C Installs

Whether you're adding a new Air Conditioning system to your home in your basement, in your attic, or your doing a swap out of an old system we can help you figure out best options for an upgrade or new install.

Ductless Installs

Ductless air conditioning are systems that you can put in your home that has no duct work. Ask our sales technician if you have any questions and whether this is a suitable option for your home.

Repair & Maintenance

Cooling units are complex systems. After years of performance, it can break down and you may need air conditioning system repair. Like any major appliance, your air conditioner works best with regular care and maintenance. Call us today to get on the schedule.

Air Conditioner

Invest in

As your A/C system gets older, it becomes less efficient. That means higher utility bills and less comfort on hot, humid days.


With a new, energy-efficient system, you can cut those cooling bills and stay comfortable. But there are many options available to you.


Let Stream HVAC help you choose the right system for your home. Contact us to schedule a no-cost, consultation and learn more about our customized air conditioning installation & maintenance services.

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